Real Fur or Faux Fur? How to Know what you are Wearing!

First of all, you have to read the label well.
The exploitation of animals is regulated by many laws. 
But often they are not respected and many innocent creatures die cruelly to create stupid pom-poms on our t-shirts, jumpers or covers for our cell phones.
 Not always if the price is so cheap means that could be faux fur, because is cheap to produce real fur in China. 
Remember that the label have to reflect 100 percent of the item's composition.
How to Know  if is it's Real Fur or Faux Fur? 

-  Separate the Fur at the base. If it's fake, you will see the fabric webbing. If it's real, it will be attached to the skin.

- Do a burn test: clip off the tip of the fibres and set light to them. If they melt like plastic, it's fake.  If they singe and smell of burning hair, it's real fur.

Remember to report to the store in case of mis-sold fur or to your   local trading standards office which can investigate the seller for unfair trading. 

Giving voice to those who have no voice, this is a simple step towards a great change. For a future without cruelty.
We can compare what is done to animals with the Middle Ages with the same instruments of torture considering our age is a shame for humanity and for the level of consciousness that we should possess today.
Today we have all the tools to be aware consumers,
 we also have the technology and the fast information to be aware
consumers and to ban these cruelties from the market.
We remain human in an era of machines!
We do not wear cruelty.


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